Dispensary Supply

What Are Dispensary Supplies?

Wholesale dispensary supplies are essential to any medical marijuana dispensary. From mylar bags , concentrate packaging , pre-roll tubes and storing your product to smoke shop supplies such as clipper lighters , hemp wrap s --we've have it all!
Make sure you're ready when ordering because not only do we sell wholesale quantities but also for personal use.   

Dispensaries see hundreds of patients every day which means they need a variety of products. Some prefer pipes, others vaporizers - but all will enjoy the high quality and low prices that come from buying wholesale dispensary supplies!

420 Packaging

Dispensary supplies have specific packaging that is required by law. The medicinal patient must walk out with an instruction or prescription, which looks similar to what you would find at your local pharmacy--there are also smell-proof bags available for those who want their herb smells sealed. There's even reversible cap vial s and pop top bottles ! 420 Packaging helps get products into compliance so they can be sold legally no matter where it takes place.

Medical Labels

Labels are often very specific to the state. There's a generic label and then there is MMJ compliant one which has been customized for marijuana products, usually with strains named on it along with their weight in grains or grams (or both).

Herb Scales

We have a number of different scales to weigh your dry herbs. We have from standard to digital scales  available for customers. Ensure that you're  getting the accurate measurement by using a scale. 

66 product(s)